Check out this one lonesome deciduous tree in a sea of evergreens. Sometimes I feel like that tree might feel: Different (that is if a tree could be self-obsessed and somewhat insecure).
Of course I don't think that it is necessarily bad to feel different. But sometimes it sure can make a person feel lonely. I thought about this alot when I went for my run yesterday.
Fortunately, I had a great run and my outlook took a drastic change for the better. The run started out sopping wet and ended at least 10 miles later under a noticeably brighter and clearer evening sky. I almost didn't go running when I saw how hard it was raining, but since I only ran 4 miles on Wed. I thought I've gotta go burn off some calories. So I took off on one of my old office loops. One which I haven't done in ages. Most of the loop is on roads but fortunately has relatively few stoplights so I could keep going with very few interuptions. Just about everything felt right, including my attitude! It is a little weird when a 10 mile run is more relaxing than vegging out in front of the black box. But I will take it when I can get it!
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