Now that it is done I think that I am glad that I did it. I was worried at first that the doctor wouldn't really find anything to repair and that I'd be stuck with a big bill and nothing to show for it. But now I am a little more confident that I will someday get to run over hills and dales enjoying some of my favorite long trail runs. I can't wait to get out and try my new bionic leg (not really bionic, but hopefully improved). Life without running is tough.
Since this was my first surgery and my most major medical procedure it was quite an experience. I highly recommend it, NOT! Well I have to admit it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been, you know if I had been one of those rare 'died of surgical complications' cases. But it had its exciting moments like when I experienced what the nurse referred to as the Vasovagal response (Syncope). After checking wiki I see that I was just close to fainting but it was sure a strange sensation. I understand that it was just an automatic response which my body created to the panic of having the IV hooked up and knowing that I was going in for surgery. It may also have to do with what is commonly referred to as a flight or fight response. Of course I couldn't really flee the room so I ended up nearly fainting instead. This was a new one for me as it began as soon as she inserted the needle and told me that I would feel a sense of cold from the antibiotic. Instead I started feeling lightheaded, dizzy and I started sweating profusely. She attached the heart rate monitor and found that I had a HR of 30 bpm which even for me is really low! I am making a much bigger deal out of this than I should since it was just a near fainting episode, but it sure was a trip being that it was the first time.
I missed the other excitement of the day since I was anesthetized for the procedure but from what the nurse said afterwards, I can only imagine that there was a little excitement in the operating room. She said that I was a little rambunctious in my sleep and tried fighting my way off the operating table. That is just plain weird! I remember having some strange dream but I don't remember anything about it. I guess I am subconsciously not so fond of surgery! She also told me that under anesthesia I developed a irregular and/or slow heart rhythm and had to be given atropine (like adrenaline) in order to stabilize my heart. On a side note I just learned about the 'death rattle' on wikipedia. I'd never heard of this but it is very interesting! Anyway, at least according to the doctor the surgery went well and my knee injury may have been repaired. Now I just can't wait to take it for a test ride (run)!
I usually wouldn't open up like this on the internet (literally), but since I have got the pictures why not show them! Attached are some of the photos from inside my knee!! Personally I think it is a pretty good looking knee joint if I do say so myself. What did one knee joint say to the other knee joint? I don't really know but there has gotta be a funny answer to that one.
Super-thanks also have to go out to my friends Ana, Keith and Eli who were nice enough to care for me after the surgery. Just wish I could have had a celebratory beer!
Wow, big day I'd say. Glad things are going well so far. :)
Celabratory beer soon come.
Wow Adam, I had no idea you knee had progressed (poorly) in that direction. Hey, at least you got it out of the way I guess...if there is a bright side. I can't believe your "friends" didn't have a beer for you! Just kidding - you shouldn't mix beer with your meds.
Just wait, in 2008 you'll become a nationally well-known trail runner, known only as the Bionic Man.
I'll have to show my husband the surgery pictures. He's had knee problems for a long time and is finally going in to see a doctor this week. I think he feels the same way you did - hoping that they WILL recommend surgery. But I won't let him read about the fainting and death rattle - glad you're ok.
Good luck on a speedy recovery! (By the way - how long is your recovery period?)
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