It was cool how the trail actually followed along several ridges but also ended up dropping into at least one major valley near the center of the hike. The further north I went the smokier it became due to the nearby fires. Of course the smokier it became the more I worried that there wouldn't be anyone at Hart's pass from whom I might be able to hitch a ride. When I actually made it to Hart's Pass I found that not very many people were around. I talked with a hunter for awhile and drank the water stashed at the ranger station before starting the long walk down the road toward Mazama. Fortunately after hiking for a little over a mile I was picked up by the volunteer ranger who was headed down to town to get supplies for another week. She was nice enough to give me a ride all the way to Rainy Pass! Thanks a lot.

The highlight of the day was coming up on a really large bear in the meadows on the way up Grasshopper pass. I was daydreaming at this point and just noticed the bear as she/he turned and saw me. He or she quickly ran down the hill showing off his big furry and bouncing rear-end. I have included a photo of the meadow in which I saw him here. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to get a photo of the bear!

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