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Blue Sky Red Rock Blazing Sun. Only two weeks and I will get to wander through some (Dark, Middle, Bowdie, Youngs, Cataract) canyons for up 7 days!! The following photo is old canyon porn from my Paria trip a few years ago:

I've gotta get outta this office!!
I just had to post this quote since I have seen it a couple times recently and it is so important for me to remember.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that
you didn't do than by the ones you did do."
- Mark Twain
Maybe writing down my frustration will help! Who knows? At least I have finally got a name for the pain which I have had in my right foot for the last two weeks. After dropping out of the Chuckanut 50K on saturday I got some great advice from Scott Jurek.
It sounds like my pain is a symptom of what is called Metatarsalgia, an inflamation of the tissues around the metatarsal bones in the foot. I guess I have been running a little too much. It may also be due to aging since the fat stores on the bottom of the foot become thinner with age. I don't think it is my shoes since I have been running in the same style road shoes for a few years. But just in case it is due to my newer trail shoes I am going to reduce the amount of time I wear my trail shoes. In addition, I need to get a metatarsal pad, take it easy on the running for a little while and do some post-workout icing.
Some great links:
I can only hope that my foot will toughen up so I can plan on making it to the rest of my spring and summer races. Bighorn 100 or bust!!
Live passionately, even if it kills you, because something is going to kill you anyway.
Webb Chiles
Note: This photo was from a couple years ago on top of Mt. St. Helens (I think?).